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New Zealand Travel

Travel in New Zealand

Auckland International Airport is New Zealand's largest and busiest airport.
Auckland International Airport is New Zealand's largest and busiest airport

Find useful information for travelling around New Zealand by air, bus, car, on foot or by train.


Local Dialing Codes in New Zealand

New Zealand's country calling code is +64. The country is then divided into various areas with their own dialing codes.

New Zealand Postcodes

New Zealand's postcodes (zip codes) have 4 digits. The first two digits specify the area, the third the type of delivery (for example a street or PO Box), and the 4th the specific city block or building (in an urban setting), RD (rural delivery) number, or suburb. Postcodes in New Zealand are allocated generally north to south.

Time in New Zealand and Time Differences

New Zealand uses New Zealand Standard Time (NZST) which is 12 hours in advance of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC is the successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


New Zealand Currency Conversion NZD to Major Currencies

The New Zealand currency is the New Zealand Dollar (NZD; NZ$). It is the legal tender of New Zealand as well as the Cook Islands, Tokelau, Niue, the Ross Dependency, and also the Pitcairn Islands.

Driving in New Zealand's South Island.
Driving in New Zealand's South Island

Transport and Travel

Driving in New Zealand

From behind the wheel of a car is how most travelers get to navigate around New Zealand.

Hazards in New Zealand

New Zealand is considered to be one of the safest countries in the world to visit. Violent crime and armed robbery against tourists are rare.

SkyBus Auckland.
SkyBus Auckland

New Zealand Airports

Auckland and Wellington in the North Island and Christchurch in the South Island are home to New Zealand's main international airports.

The Skybus is the bus service between Auckland Airport and the city.

Auckland Airport

Auckland Airport (AKL) is New Zealand's largest and busiest, and in normal circumstances handles over 20 million passengers a year. Auckland Airport receives over 70% of all international arrivals into the country.

Auckland Ferry Terminal

Ferries depart for a variety of destinations from Auckland Ferry Terminal. There are sailings to Bayswater, Beach Haven, Birkenhead, Coromandel, Devonport, Gulf Harbour, Half Moon Bay, Northcote Point, Orapiu, Port Fitzroy, Motutapu, Rakino Island, Rotoroa Island, Stanley Island and Tryphena Wharf on Great Barrier Island.

Dunedin Railway Station

Dunedin Railway Station may no longer have regular passenger services, but it is the terminus for the delightful Taieri Gorge Railway.

Weather and Climate

Weather Forecasts For Major New Zealand Cities

The climate in New Zealand is largely temperate but varies according to the country's diverse landscapes. Influenced by New Zealand's location in the Pacific Ocean and by latitude, the weather in New Zealand can vary from extremely wet on the South Island's west coast to almost semi-arid in central Otago (also in the South Island). Indeed the west coast of South Island is one of the wettest places in the world.

Books on New Zealand

Books about New Zealand

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